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Longman pronunciation dictionary / J. C. Wells. [Texto impreso]

By: Wells, J. CLanguage: English Publisher: Harlow : Pearson, Longman, 2008Edition: 3rd edDescription: XXXVII, 922 p. ; 22 cm + 1 disco (CD-ROM)ISBN: 9781405881173 (Libro + CD)Subject(s): Inglés (Lengua) -- Fonética | Inglés (Lengua) -- Pronunciación
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LIBRO + CD LIBRO + CD Biblioteca Universidad Europea del Atlántico
Referencia R 811.111 WEL lon Available 2196


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El CD-ROM contiene: Interactive exercises with feedback ; Teacher's Resource Centre ; Longman Pronunciation Dictionary.

En cub.: Longman pronunciation coach with interactive practice.

Servicio de Biblioteca de la Universidad Europea del Atlantico | | Tlf: 942 244 244 Ext. 5020